"To keep the body in good health is a duty...otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."
Today I was outside drinking tea and I started thinking about this hip new trend called "detoxing" (Ok so it isn't that new, but certainly still popular) many people do this to cleanse their bodies of excess waste and harmful toxins, clean their cologne, and it just happens to be a plus that you feel a few pounds lighter and appear less bloated (which can make you feel less sluggish and more energized by the way). The question is, aside from the physical benefits of detoxing, is it actually healthy for you?
You might be surprised to hear that this built up waste in our bodies can actually cause our stomach and liver to function less effectively. The wonderful thing about Detoxing is that it can help your organs work more properly, regulate blood flow, and strengthen the immune system. It can even help improve concentration, get better rest and, after the process is over, you may feel more positively inclined to kick it up a notch and pursue other healthy lifestyle choices.
There are many different types of detox methods; drinking nothing but juice, smoothies, detox pills, teas, diets where you limit your meals to smaller more bland options and water detoxing. For the sake of this article let's focus on the process of water detoxification. This one is a bit more extreme and involves fasting for several days. "But not eating sounds unhealthy" I get why you may be thinking that, however their is mounting scientific evidence from all corners of the globe that suggests that occasional fasting can actually help to reduce the chances of many diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease.
If You've read the facts, and you're ready to give it a try, below are a few simple water detox recipes and tips on how to get started.
Minty Ginger Lemonade
Ingredients:- 1/2 a lemon (squeezed for juice)
- 1/2 inch of fresh ginger root
- A few leaves of fresh mint
- A glass of filtered water
Grate ginger finely, squeeze in fresh lemon juice and add a few broken up leaves of mint to your glass of water.
Alternatively you can add all the ingredients to a small blender (the bullet blenders are perfect for this) and blend for a few moments, poor into a glass and enjoy!
Cucumber Melon fusion
Ingrediants:- 1 1/2 cups diced seedless watermelon
- 1/4 of a cucumber chopped into wheels
- 4 cups of filtered water
Combined water, melons and cucumber into a large container, pitcher or jar (jars work best because they seal) and allow the water to sit in the fridge for a few hours. Serve in a glass, making sir to strain the fruit as you pour) and enjoy!
Apple pie
Ingrediants:- 1/2 a lemon (squeezed for juice) (Hey now you have a use for that other lemon half ;) )
- Half an apple sliced
- 1 1/2 cups filtered water
- 1 TBSP apple cider viniger
- 1 TSP Cinnamon (Fun fact: Cinnamon can help regulate blood flow, blood sugar, boost metabolism and fight hunger)
There are a few ways you can prepare this, my favorite is the fusion method (used for the cucumber melon fusion drink). But you can also add all the ingredients to a blender and blend for a couple seconds or you can add it all to a glass and pop the apple slices in (hey even if you eat them, they are a great source of fiber). Now serve and enjoy, but don't go making it alamode (ice cream on top :P)
Purple Grapefruit Passion
- 1 grape fruit (squeezed for juice)
- 1 cups of blueberries
- Fresh ,edible, lavander flowers to taste
- 8 cups of filtered water
Combined water, grape fruit juice, blueberries and lavaender in to a container, pitcher, or jar. Chill for several hours, filter and serve. Alternativley you can blend all the ingrediants (minus the lavender) and soak the lavender in the fruit mixture for a few hours. Filter, serve, enjoy!
Tip #1: If you want to pursue an extreme water detox make sure to only ingest water (no solid fruits, vegetables or food) do this for no more then a week, drinking water frequently to stay well hydrated.
Tip #2:Many different types of fruits, vegetables and herbs can be used to infuse waters, it can be fun to experiment a little. :)
Warning: While detoxing/fasting may be healthy in moderation it should never be overdone. You should exercise caution when ingesting herbs and flowers (such as lavender) especially if you have allergies to plants and pollen.
I want to try the minty ginger lemonade..I already have e ginger root. I will let you know how it works out. I am going to try this on Tuesday thru Thursday :)