Friday, February 5, 2016

3 ways to self-motivation

"The only Journey is the one within"
                        -Rainer Maria Rilke

I know what you're thinking "there must be hundreds of articles on this topic!" well, you're right there are and I'll be honest most of them suggest the same things from list making to avoiding contact of other human beings. But what if I told you it was actually easier then that?

Ultimately if you WANT to be more productivity you are already taking a step in the appropriate direction. The only person that can help you is you. So then how do you optimize yourself to be a better you?

#1. Showers are a key to success

You know how singing in the shower makes you feel like you may be able to try out for American Idol? Well showers have another magic, studies have shown that people do most of their creative thinking in the shower. This is due to the level of relaxation and amount of dopamine released in our brains during activities such as showering or exercise. There are actually numerous types of special whiteboards created for just that purpose (or if you avoid getting it wet you can use a washable marker on a mirror, assuming you don't take super steamy showers). So if you feel inclined to make lists to feel more productive, why not do it in the shower?

#2. Nothing is wrong with being a dreamer. 

We are taught to weigh the pros and cons of something before we do it, and while we should certainly be aware of the cons we should focus more on the pros. Our brains tend to be bias and naturally want to focus on remembering negativity, but in the end this can make you pessimistic and the "great idea" you just had will always remain as such, an idea.
If you find that you often dwell on the cons and need some extra inspiration, read motivating quotes or watch something funny to lift your spirits (even a short clip). Surround yourself with something happy or powerfully motivating and you will find it hard to be any other way.

#3. Snowball effect

Another, maybe unusual, tip that I can provide for being more productive is to find something small, such as eating more vegetables or spending less time on Facebook and more time reading a book or going for a short walk and commit to it. Set a goal of 30 days and regardless of anything else make sure you put time in to do it. After about 30 days your brain will have naturally accepted this action as a habit and you will find it easier to commit to.
The reason I emphasized something small is because these things tend to create a snowball effect. You feel more confident in yourself and it leads to you wanting to do more to feel that way.  A good example of this is when I decided to become a vegetarian. I found it difficult at first, but I always thought about my goal and after a few weeks I didn't even notice I wasn't eating meat anymore. This lead to me wanting to start to exercise more frequently and even to me starting this blog.

Of course there are more things you can do to motivate yourself to be productive; Drink a small cup of coffee in the morning, time management, to-do lists, etc. However, the information I have provided will help you get in the right state of mind to encourage yourself to do greater things.


  1. Maybe you can help me. I have so many things I want to start changing. How would you find the best one to start with first?

    1. May I reply to you with simple quote
      "There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."

    2. I do agree that you need to just dive right in to something. But knowing where to dive is the issue here. I would say the best way you can figure this out is by looking objectively at what you want to accomplish and starting with the one that seems the most reasonable. If you think to long about numerous ideas you will never accomplish any, so my advice is that you need to decide what will benefit you most and which seems the most realistic given whatever situation or position you are in, in life. For example, if you want to write something just start. The flaw with planning something is that you spend so much time planning for it that you can continue to make excuses why you will never accomplish it.
